Passing the AZ-203 exam - Part 4

May 07, 2020

Azure Security

This is Part 4 of the AZ-203 study guide. In this post we'll cover:

Service Principal

A service principal is a non-human based identity in Azure Active Directory (AD). It can be an application, a service, or an azure resource like a VM.

Read KeyVault secrets from C#

private static async Task RunAsync()
    var astp = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
    // Uses the login from the cli
    var kvc = new KeyVaultClient(
      new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(
    var kvBaseUrl = "";
    var secret = await kvc.GetSecretAsync(

Storage Accounts & MSI

private static async Task RunAsync()
    var astp = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();
    // ⚠️ Important to know for the exam 
    var tokenCredential = new TokenCredential(
      await astp.GetAccessTokenAsync("")

    var storageCredentials = new StorageCredentials(tokenCredential);

Dynamic Data Masking

💡 DDM is good for "masking" parts of data from users not logged in to the application (also known as "public" or "excluded").

💡 You need the schema, table and column of a database to configure it.

💡 Pay attention to SuffixSize and PrefixSize as they will specify the number of characters that will NOT be masked. To hide the rest of the characters, you must specify a ReplacementString with the length of the string minus the Suffix/Prefix size.

  -ServerName $serverName
  -DatabaseName $databaseName
  -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
  -SchemaName "dbo"
  -MaskingFunction Text
  -Tablename "Users"
  -ColumnName "AccountCode"
  -SuffixSize 2   #only last 2 characters will be shown
  -ReplacementString  # "xxxxxxx45"

Always Encrypted

Always Encrypted prevents admins from seeing sensitive data.

  1. Column certs should be in Key Vault
  2. Encrypt column with certificate
  3. Set Column Encryption Setting = true in the database connection
  4. Add an identity to the web app
  5. Grant that app/identity access to the certificate in Key Vault

Secure Access to an AKS Cluster

  1. Create a Service Principal (SP) in Azure Active Directory, or AAD (representing the admin of the cluster)
  2. Map user to a ClusterRoleBinding role inside of the AKS cluster
  3. Create a SP for the cluster client
  4. Create an AKS cluster
# ⚠️ How do you secure the AKS cluster?  

Map a service principal into a ClusterRoleBinding

Next up...

Go to Part 5 of the series on Monitoring Azure Solutions

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Written by Carlos Torres a software engineer who loves building things Follow him on Twitter